What are your weaknesses?


This is a very typical interview question! When answering, you should focus on the "how" rather than on the "what". The interviewer isn't all that interested in knowing what your weaknesses are. They are more interested in seeing how you react to this decisive question and how you deal with the weaknesses you identify in a positive way.

Don't panic and be yourself when you hear the question. Don't be afraid to smile and take some time to answer the question. This shows that, although you were expecting the question to come, you're thinking carefully before answering.

Weaknesses are relative. Being distracted easily is a weakness that can be the downfall of a diligent accountant. But it can be a blessing for a spontaneous entertainer. Use this to your advantage and choose a weakness from an area that isn't perceived as such by the company to which you're applying.

Choose weaknesses that have made some situations particularly difficult for you. Explain how you dealt with these situations and how you tackled the weakness at that point in time. However, make sure to primarily focus on how you would like to overcome your weakness in the long term.

Please don't say: "I'm a workaholic" :).

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